Add-on Services
Whether you operate an existing solution or are in the process of completing your system, Simple Solutions can assist with all elements of hardware integration, across a wide range of products and application requirements.
Hardware Assistance
In consultation with you, we will look at your device requirements and make suggestions as to the correct and most appropriate device.
Considered in this choice will be the functionality needed within your specification and the accessories or peripherals that may be needed to complete your solution. Then, utilising one of our support packages we can further assist with the device configuration.
Device Choice
Middleware / Device Management
As part of our consultations and work with you, we will make suggestions and recommendations in terms of middleware requirements that can assist in the ongoing fulfilment of your solution, taking into consideration device firmware updates and maintenance of your device inventory.
• Inventory configuration & control
OTA (over-the-air) functionality
• Device management & updates

Application Integration
Whether you already have an application or are in the process of developing one, we can assist in conjunction with one of our support packages, offering expert guidance on:
• Device Configuration (current and new devices)
• Device Integration
• Accessories or Peripheral Integration
Zero Friction Kits
Simple Solutions unique Zero Friction Kits (ZF-Kits) offer you to perfect start for the evaluation of new hardware.
Included is the device itself, any required cables along with a desktop power supply (hardwired devices only) and tailored to your needs in terms of accessories or peripherals.
Coupled with the appropriate support package, the kit enables you to start your project or evaluation with “known good” parts and the assistance of our team to get you where you need to be.
Each kit is unique to the client needs.
SIM Choice & Device Configuration
We can provide guidance on specific networks, SIM types and appropriate device configurations. We can also offer guidance on anticipated usage levels.
Zero Configuration
Based on your requirements we can pre-configure devices to “call home” and download your latest configuration on first power-up or at install. Saving time and helping to control inventory.